Study in the UK - Courses and Programmes A-Z
What can you study in the UK? British universities offer all subjects and degree levels. Do you know you want to study abroad, but don't know exactly what you are looking for? In the UK, you have more choices than you can imagine! Below we have listed a number of subjects you can study at undergraduate and postgraduate level. If you are interested in a course or subject that is not listed, talk to one of our advisors, who can help you find the perfect course for you!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Other
- Abuse (Domestic or Sexual)
- Acting
- Actuarial Science
- Administration (MBA)
- Administration (Public)
- Adventure Management
- Adventure Tourism
- Advertising
- African Studies
- Agriculture
- Airline Management
- American Studies
- American (Latin -) Studies
- Animal and Wildlife Protection
- Animal Doctor
- Animal Science / Animal Nursing
- Animal Welfare / Animal Management
- Animation
- Animation & Illustration
- Animation (3D)
- Anthropology
- Application Design (Mobile)
- Arabic
- Arboriculture
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Architecture (Interior)
- Architecture (Structural)
- Art and Design
- Art History
- Artificial Intelligence
- Arts (liberal)
- Arts Management
- Asian Studies
- Astrophysics
- Astronomy
- Automotive Design
- Automotive Engineering
- Basketball Coach
- Biblical Studies
- Bioengineering / Biomedical Engineering
- Biological Anthropology
- Biology
- Biology (Marine)
- Biology (Micro)
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical Sciences
- Branding
- Brain Imaging
- Broadband and Mobile Communication Network
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Management
- Business Psychology
- Cartoons and Caricature
- Catalan
- Celtic
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (Bio-)
- Child Welfare and Protection
- Children and Youth
- Children's Literature
- Chinese
- Chiropractic
- Choral (Music)
- Cinematography
- City Planning
- Civil Engineering
- Classical Studies
- Climate and Environment
- Climatology
- Clinical Psychology
- Coaching (Basketball)
- Coaching (Cricket)
- Coaching (Disability Sports)
- Coaching (Sports)
- Conflict and Peace
- Conservation
- Commercials
- Communication: Broadband and Mobile Network
- Communication: Wireless Communication and Signal Processing
- Communication and Media
- Communication (Visual)
- Comparative Politics
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Costume Design
- Creative Writing
- Cricket Coach
- Crime and Youth
- Criminology
- Cultivation
- Cultural Anthropology
- Cultural Studies
- Culture, Food and Wine
- Cybernetics
- Cyber Security
- Czech
- Dance
- Danish
- Dementia
- Dentistry
- Design (Art and Design)
- Design (Automotive)
- Design (Costume)
- Design (Fashion)
- Design (Furniture)
- Design (Game)
- Design (Glass)
- Design (Interior)
- Design (Jewellery)
- Design (Landscape)
- Design (Mobile Application)
- Design (Sculpture)
- Design (3D)
- Design (3D Media)
- Design (3D Product Design)
- Development Studies
- Digital Effects
- Directing (Theatre)
- Disability Sports Coaching
- Divinity
- Documentary Photography
- Domestic Violence
- Drama
- Drawing
- Earth Science
- E-Business
- Ecology (Human)
- Economics
- Economics, Politics and Philosophy (PPE)
- Editorial Photography
- Education
- Education (Inclusive)
- Education (Outdoor)
- Education (Primary)
- Egyptology
- E-Marketing
- Embroidery
- Engineering
- Engineering: Automotive and Motorport
- Engineering: Bio- / Biomedical
- Engineering: Chemical
- Engineering: Civil / Construction
- Engineering: Electrical
- Engineering: Environmental
- Engineering: Fire Safety
- Engineering: Mechanical
- Engineering: Petroleum
- Engineering: Software (Computer / IT)
- Engineering: Space
- Engineering: The Internet of Things
- English: Linguistics
- English: Literature
- Energy and Environment
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment and Climate
- Environment and Energy
- Environmental Engineering
- Equine (horses)
- European Studies
- Event Management
- Evolution and Human Behaviour
- Experimental Music
- Farming
- Fashion Design
- Fashion Journalism
- Fashion Management
- Fashion Photography
- Festival Management
- Film
- Finance
- Fine Art
- Fire Safety Engineering
- First World War History
- Food, Wine and Culture
- Forensic Science
- Forestry
- French
- Furniture Design
- Gaelic
- Gallery and Museum
- Game Design
- Game Development
- Garden Design
- Gastronomy
- General Psychology
- Genetics
- Geography
- Geography (Human)
- Geology
- German
- Glass Design
- Graphic Design
- Hazard Management (Natural Hazards)
- Health and Nutrition
- History
- History of Art
- History: Cartoons and Caricature
- History: First World War
- History: Military
- Horses
- Hospitality
- Hotel Management
- Human Behaviour and Evolution
- Human Geography
- Human Ecology
- Human Resource Management
- Human Rights
- Illustration
- Illustration & Animation
- Imaging (Brain / Neuro)
- Immunology
- Inclusive Education
- Infectious diseases
- Information and Library
- Interior Design / Architecture
- International Relations
- Interpretation
- Islamic Studies
- Italian
- IT
- IT Engineering
- IT - The Internet of Things
- Landscape Design
- Languages
- Language Therapy
- Language Translations
- Latin
- Latin American Studies
- Law
- Leadership
- Liberal Arts
- Library and Information
- Linguistics
- Linguistic Anthropology
- Literature (English)
- Literature: World
- Logistics
- Management
- Management of Art
- Management (Fashion)
- Manual Therapy
- Manufacturing Nuclear Materials
- Marine Biology
- Marketing
- Marine and Nature History Photography
- Maritime and Shipping
- Materials and Textile Design
- Mathematics
- MBA - Master of Business Administration
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Media and Communication
- Media Design (3D)
- Media (Journalism)
- Medicine
- Metallurgy
- Meteorology
- Microbiology
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Midwifery
- Migration and Refugees
- Military History
- Mobile and Broadband Communication Network
- Modern Languages
- Motorsport Engineering
- MPA - Master of Public Administration
- Museum and Gallery
- Music
- Music (Experimental)
- Music (Choral and/or Vocal)
- Music Technology / Production
- Music Theatre
- Nanotechnology
- Natural Hazard Management
- Natural History and Marine Photography
- Natural Sciences
- Nature Protection
- Neuroimaging / Neuroradiology
- Norse Studies
- Norwegian
- Nuclear Materials Manufaturing
- Nursing
- Nutrition and Health
- Occupational Therapy
- Odontology
- Old Norse
- Optometry / Optician
- Oral Health
- Organisational Psychology
- Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security
- Oriental Studies
- Orthoptics
- Osteopathy
- Outdoor Adventure Management
- Outdoor Education
- Painting
- Parasitology
- Peacebuilding
- Peace and Conflict
- Performing Arts
- Persian
- Petroleum Engineering
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Photography (Documentary)
- Photography (Editorial)
- Photography (Fashion)
- Photography (Marine and Natural History)
- Photography (Press)
- Physics
- Physiotherapy
- Plant Science
- Plant and Soil Science
- Polish
- Politics
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE)
- Portuguese
- Press Photography
- Primary Education
- Product Design (3D)
- Production: Music Technology
- Project Management
- Protection; Animal, Nature and Wildlife
- Protection and Welfare (Child)
- Psychology
- Psychology (Clinical)
- Psychology (General)
- Psychology (Sports)
- Public Administration (MPA)
- Public Relation (PR)
- Publishing
- Radio
- Radiography
- Radiology
- Radiology (Neuro)
- Real Estate
- Refugees and Migration
- Regional Studies
- Religion
- Retail
- Robotics
- Russian
- Safety Engineering (Fire Safety)
- Scandinavian Studies
- Sciences
- Screenwriting
- Script writing
- Sculpture Design
- Security (Cyber)
- Security, Organised Crime and Terrorism
- Sexual Abuse (Domestic Violence)
- Scenography
- Shakespeare
- Shipping and Maritime
- Signal Processing and Wireless Communication
- Silversmithing
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Soil Science
- Space Science
- Spanish
- Speech Therapy
- Sports
- Sports Coaching
- Sports Coaching (Disability Sports)
- Sports Psychology
- Statistics
- Street Arts
- Structural Architecture
- Supply Chain Management
- Sustainable Energy
- Sustainable Environment
- Swedish
- Teacher
- Technology: Music Production
- Technology: Nano
- Terrorism, Organised Crime and Security
- Textile Design and Materials
- Theatre
- Theatre Directing
- Theatre (Music)
- Theology
- Therapy (Occupational)
- Therapy (Manual)
- Therapy (Physio)
- Tourism
- Tourism Management
- Tourism and Airline Management
- Town Planning
- Translation
- Tree Science / Protection
- TV
- Typography
- Veterinary Science
- Video Game Development
- Viking Studies
- Violence (Domestic)
- Virology
- Visual Communication
- Visual Effects (Digital)
- Vocal (Music)
- Welfare and Protection (Child)
- Wildlife Protection
- Wine, Food and Culture
- Wireless Communication and Signal Processing
- World Literature
- World War I
- Writing (Creative)
- Writing for Children
- Writing (Screen or Script)