Do an MRes in Criminological Research

I have developed the confidence to live my dreams

The little girl who grew up home-schooled on a rural farm in Alberta, Canada, who only dreamed of working in the justice system would tell you I was a liar. The teen who dropped out of high school at 15 years old to become a baker would say there was no way I was smart enough for that. The 20-year-old who spent her nights sleeping in the stairwell of a condo, struggling to understand who she was, would tell you I didn’t deserve it… And yet, I am not only looking to graduate from the University of Liverpool with distinction, but I will be the first person in my family to graduate with a Master's degree. Now, I am looking to begin a research career that will hopefully change the lives of so many other people who, with the proper support, can make the world a fantastic place.

Looking back on my journey, I never would have imagined that I would be not only living an ocean away from home but also researching my passions at one of the top criminology universities in the world. When I started my undergraduate degree, I had never taken a formal English class, and I had a lot of self-doubt about my worthiness of being in university. When I met the team from Across the Pond at a grad fair at my university, I had given them my information as a passing thing of little thought. However, their team was among the first to take my desire to learn and validate it. They supported me throughout the whole process of not only coming to terms with the fact that I could complete grad school but that I deserved it. Brittany, my advisor throughout the two years, encouraged me to look at all of my options with Across the Pond and all of the universities I even had a slight interest in. There was no silly question that I could have asked her and no worry that I would have had that she did not support me through and treat me as valid. Because of her, applying for visas, universities, and moving my life was more manageable. 

That is not to say it wasn’t hard or scary, because it was. Many emotions and concerns are tied to moving away for a year to a new country and choosing such a big life decision. Still, because of my advisor, I felt as though I could figure it out, and if something happened, she would be there to help me through it without question. The Across the Pond application process itself also helped to make everything feel less complicated. When applying to different universities, the systems and processes can be incredibly confusing and a barrier to many students, so using Across the Pond’s application helped offer me more choice and support to achieve my goals. 

The University of Liverpool

I was accepted into every university I had applied to; however, tuition played a significant role in which university I chose due to the costs and my being a self-funded student. The University of Liverpool offered the degree I wanted and had staff who researched in areas similar to mine. The make-or-break in deciding which university I chose was how they interacted with me in the application phase. I liked that the academic staff was involved in the application process, and I was interacting with real people through email instead of through automated processes.

Looking back on it now, I don’t know if that was the best decision. While I still love the University of Liverpool and am immensely happy with the choice to do my degree here, the lack of automated processes and efficiency now causes me challenges almost weekly. They have had errors in the invoicing for my tuition for months, and the research processes are incredibly bureaucratic and decided based on current buzzwords and not the research and subjects themselves. There have been issues with assignments as the teaching staff does not handle them and requires you to interact with several different teams or departments to get answers. Finally, my degree, as a master's course in sociology/criminology and social justice, has not been well organised and has felt like a brand-new program that they are still sorting out the kinks on. My degree is only different in title from any of the other master's degree programs housed in the law and social justice school at the University of Liverpool.

As for the university spaces themselves, they are generally very friendly. However, the spaces for study and research are limited if you are not in STEM or business fields due to current funding allocations. In the six months I was first here, I saw the social justice departments lose working space twice to allow room from better-funded departments and admin staff. The recreational spaces are also very much catered to those involved in student sports and not to average folks. If you are moving to Liverpool, I recommend looking outside the university for a gym membership. You will save yourself hundreds of pounds. The one highlight of the university is the guild of students and the trips they offer to students living in the halls here. They offer low-price trips to see spots around Merseyside and farther away, including the lake district and cities like York. The halls themselves are excellent, and when first moving to Liverpool, it is worth the extra cost to know that you have somewhere safe and secure. However, suppose you are staying for more than a year. In that case, I suggest looking for a flat or room outside the university to save on costs and to start doing this as soon as you arrive, as most accommodations start showing spaces for the next year in November or December. 

The City

While I have heard horror stories from people living in Liverpool, I have always felt relatively safe. The one thing that surprised me when I first moved here was the need for more street lights, which made things feel less safe. Overall, Liverpool has felt warm and welcoming once you get past trying to understand the Scouse accent. The availability of healthy and vegan foods has been incredible, and I have never cooked for myself more than I have while living here. Walking down the docks when it is not raining and enjoying a croissant from Rough Made Bakery is my favourite way to spend a Saturday. And if you are up before 9 am, you can almost guarantee you will get most of the walk to yourself unless you see the drinking crowd stumbling home in the morning. 

The drinking culture here is intense. If you do not drink, it is hard to make friends or socialise as almost everything here is catered to going out to a pub or having alcohol. Moving here was the first time I had seen alcohol served by the student union for mundane events like ornament painting. A large majority of my classmates would go out drinking at least 3-4 times a week and be out until at least 2 or 3 in the morning, which was very unlike the drinking culture I was used to at home. It is easy to fall into a habit of joining friends or classmates in their drinking and having it spiral out of hand very quickly, so it is important to have your boundaries around drinking and sticking to them. The best place that I had found to interact with people without alcohol was through the coffee socials that the Post Grad Society put on, and it is where I met the majority of my friends from outside of my course. Most of them were like me and were international students looking to connect with people in a way that did not involve alcohol. Through society, I have made some of the best friends I could hope for, and I know I will have those friends for life. 

Overall, moving abroad has been the hardest and yet the best thing that has ever happened to me. Being away from my family has been challenging, and I have missed a lot of family moments that I am sad about. Still, it has also helped grow my relationship with them and given me the time to understand who and what is essential. I have found my second home and second family in Liverpool, and I have grown and changed so much as a person. Through Across the Pond, I have developed the confidence to live my dreams, and I don’t plan on slowing down soon. In the future, I plan on doing my PhD abroad, either in the UK or in Europe. After this year, I can’t see myself going home and settling down again. This year has unlocked my desire to travel, keep growing, and push myself to try for impossible things. And I couldn’t have done any of it without having my advisor and the Across the Pond team to believe in me. 

- Megan

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Study Operations and Supply Chain Management abroad

Studying in the UK was one of the best decisions I have ever made

In my own experience, if you want to study in the UK, it is possible, dare, all the effort will be worth it.

During my university career, I had the opportunity to study abroad for 6 months, it was one of the best experiences of my life, so since I returned to Mexico, I had the conviction and decision to study for a master's degree. Studying abroad makes you grow in different ways, I like to divide them into two very important ones, personal and professional. You grow in the sense of becoming responsible for yourself in all aspects and professionally because you learn different ways of working, that's why I wanted to study for a master's degree abroad. Studying in the UK was one of the best decisions I have ever made, an incredible experience of much learning and growth.


Liverpool is the fifth most important city in England, a small city compared to others in the UK, where you either like music because of the Beatles or football because of Liverpool FC or Everton FC. A diverse city with many historical places to visit, as well as many places to eat, party, and walk around like Sefton Park.

For me Liverpool was the best host city if I could choose it again, I will do it. It is a small city avoiding the excess of people but with everything you need as the big cities, cinemas, shopping malls, bars and activities such as concerts, galleries, etc.

The city is passionate about football, a taste that I share and enjoy a lot, as well as the walks in their parks and tasting the different types of beers.

University of Liverpool and life within the University

The first criteria I took to decide which University to choose was according to the career I studied and what I am passionate about in the area I studied, and I am referring to what is known as "Supply Chain". An area with a broad branch of Industrial Engineering, in which I have developed professionally. When I started looking for universities, I searched for study programs that were aimed at that field, also with certifications. The University of Liverpool is part of the top 25 Universities in the United Kingdon, as well as a member of the Russell Group or Redbrick, meaning that is one of the leading universities in the UK. Additionally, the good references and the facilities that it gave me made me decide to enroll and pursue my master's studies.

The University of Liverpool has many supports for students, from mental health talks, various sports activities, language classes, events, and different courses. On the other hand, it also has facilities, such as a gym, a pub, and accommodations.


The University of Liverpool has shared accommodation with 4 other students where you live on the same campus, so moving to lessons becomes extremely easy, it has everything you need to live comfortably, for example, your own bathroom and a shared kitchen.

Depending on your needs there are 3 types of rooms, but all with the essentials, the only drawback I found was the high demand for rooms, it is necessary to "compete" to rent the room, in my case I looked for a different company, but with an agreement with the university, a little cheaper, but close to campus as well. The lodging had the same facilities and workshops such as mental health talks, outings to different points of the city, etc.

Differences in study and life between the UK and my country

The way of teaching between countries is different, where I come from is evaluated continuously, i.e., continuous activities that count for the final evaluation, in some cases, it is important to attend classes and finally, an exam, at the University of Liverpool, is evaluated by an essay at the end of the course. At the beginning, it was very complicated for me since they were more theoretical and essay evaluations. The activities were different from the ones I used to do in my country. It was an opportunity area that I had to improve; however, the university supports you with workshops to know how to do those assessments.

In the UK the social life is like everywhere, there are good and bad places, people with good and bad intentions, however, it depends a lot on the values you grew up with to avoid any inconvenience. In Liverpool, the main universities are very close to the tourist areas and nightlife, so it is safe and fast to access them.

The nightclub area is practically open every day, Liverpool is famous in the UK for its nightlife, which is fun and lasts until late at night, for a student living close to this area is a good advantage.

My course

Due to the career I studied and where I developed my working life, I decided to take the master's degree in "Operations and Supply Chain Management", a program that helped me to think differently on the subject of supplies, focused on sustainability, a subject that concerns us due to the current situation of the planet, which is why I decided to study it and it has helped me to applied it in my work activities.

Studying in another language

One of the challenges I wanted to take when studying in another country was the language, it is not the same to study English at school as to live with it. It was complicated because the English we are used to are American English and although British English is understandable, the accent spoken in Liverpool is too complicated, since they mix accents from different areas, at the beginning it was a challenge, but as time went by it became easier. Having to work, study, and live in another language is an important challenge and makes you learn to cope in different ways.

Advice before studying in the UK

Many of the tips I got before I left to study in the UK were thanks to the meetings given by the staff of Across the Pond. Some of the ones that worked for me and that I could add from my own experience are the following:

•  Take the essentials, it is possible to get everything there, from clothes, kitchen utensils, medicines, etc. If there are any spices from your region, it would be good to bring them because it could be complicated to get them, but first check if it is allowed to enter the country.

•  Consider opening a virtual bank account, in the UK it is very common to use this type of bank account. Bank cards such as HSBC, Santander, or similar, it is difficult to get, because of the delivery time or the letters requested to acquire them, on the contrary, virtual banks such as Monzo or Revolut are very accessible, reliable, and only ask for your visa.

•  In my case, renting "accommodation" was the most practical, before leaving I already had where I was going to stay, it was not necessary to leave a deposit or look for a guarantor, and the services were included, which does not happen when you rent individually.

•  Look for someone who can guide you upon your arrival, I was fortunate enough to contact a student from the alumni association, she helped me from the moment I arrived at the train station until I found my way around the university and the city.

•  Locate extracurricular activities that can help you, in my case I took writing workshops to learn how reports were handed in at the university and find out about available sports activities, meetings that are held periodically (they help you get out of your routine and meet people).

•  Look for day trips, some companies make trips to places near your city, and this also helps you to meet people and new places.

Across the Pond

I am very grateful to Across the Pond, thanks to them the whole process of admission and arrival to the university was very easy.

The British Council recommended to approach to Across the Pond for help, which they kindly gave me in the first email. They helped me with the scout of schools, the programs of each one of them, and the requirements to be able to apply for admission.

They told me about the necessary documents and how to apply for the options I had chosen, later I also received their guide to apply to the visa, how to make the payment, information about the sponsorships available in my country, and the most economical way to get a plane ticket.

- Carlos

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Study Evolutionary Anthropology abroad

Explore your dreams! Explore the world!

Study Evolutionary Anthropology in the UK

Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed of living and studying abroad. I decided quite quickly that the UK was the place for me. Not only do they offer great Universities and beautiful scenery, but it's also not too far from home. My choice of University was uncertain for a long period of time, but luckily I stumbled upon Across the Pond at a study conference in high school which helped me discover everything the UK has to offer.

Subjects such as Sociology and Social Anthropology caught my attention in my final year of high school, and I knew immediately that I wanted to explore it further at University. Although I find Social Anthropology incredibly interesting, I wanted to explore Anthropology from a biological perspective. That's when I came across a bachelor's degree called Evolutionary Anthropology at The University of Liverpool. I read up on what the course contained and was immediately hooked. Learning about the evolution of humans, being introduced to several aspects of archaeology, such as osteoarchaeology and archaeothanatology, working on archaeological fieldwork and experiencing placement at a museum have all played a part of making my experience so fantastic. Everything I have learned is immensely relevant to all aspects of human history and culture.

This degree is only available in Liverpool in the UK, so it was very natural for me to place The University of Liverpool as my first choice. And for that I am so grateful! Liverpool has everything a student could wish for!

This city is full of people of all nationalities and offers everything from beautiful parks and nature to amazing nightlife. Moving to a new country can be very intimidating, so it helps when people are as open and helpful as they are in Liverpool.
The University is also incredibly helpful with any questions you may have as an international student, such as accommodation, moving of furniture, location of classes, how to apply to health services in England, etc. They offer several accommodation options for students that fit most budgets. If you don't want to pay the price for the University’s student accommodations, Liverpool offers a number of private student accommodations that are even more affordable! I ended up living in one of the halls of residence at the University and was placed with 6 English students. Although it may sound scary, we were asked to fill out a form with various questions about ourselves and were thereafter placed with people who best fit those descriptions. It doesn’t take long to get to know each other, and you might even meet some of your best friends that way. And if you don’t enjoy living with the people you were assigned to, the University is more than willing to help you move somewhere else. Living with so many new faces also promotes incredible self-development!

Forming a new social life can be very difficult. For me, it was challenging getting to know people at the start as I was quite unfamiliar with the British slang and humour. If you want to study in England, I recommend reading about local slang so it becomes easier to understand what people are talking about. But fear not! You will learn the social and local language incredibly quickly, leading to a sense of freedom when communicating with local and international people.
I also strongly recommend becoming a member of the societies that interest you at the University, and join all the social events you’re able to! That's how I met some of the best friends I have today!

Studying abroad is truly a memorable experience unlike any other. I wouldn’t have developed and learned as much as I have if I hadn’t chosen to study in the UK. Not only is the academic content engrossing, but you also learn important social skills that you’ll utilise for the rest of your life.

In conclusion, don’t let fear control your life. Explore your dreams! Explore the world!

- Celine

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Study Environmental Science abroad

A great way to make new friends!

Study Environmental Science in the UK

I didn’t originally intend on coming to the UK when I was first applying to university- in fact, I was planning on staying in or near to the US. After high school, I took a gap year and was fortunate enough to be able to travel around mainland Europe (mainly living in Romania as that is where my family is from). Throughout the year, I realized that the European lifestyle was really inviting and decided to apply to university here. I had a friend that applied to Liverpool who recommended the university to me, and I’m so happy he did! I moved here and have never looked back.

Being an international student in Liverpool is like second nature- there are so many international students here and the locals are so welcoming. The university also provides guidance to international students and sets up events at the beginning of each year to help new students adjust to the move and meet new people, which is how I made my first friends here. Aside from international-specific events, there are also loads of freshers events through which I got to meet new people and explore the city.

I think Liverpool is the perfect place to pursue a degree because the city itself is so walkable. It’s a small city but there are always so many things going on that you’ll never get bored! The music scene here is huge and there are always local bands playing music from indie to jazz to punk. If music isn’t your thing, there are also plenty of museums to explore, parks to wander through, shops to enter, and more! If you want to explore other parts of the UK or even mainland Europe, Liverpool is well connected via train, bus, and air- I’ve managed to explore so many areas of the country because of this (not to mention how inexpensive travel here is compared to the US!).

On the academic side of things, my course (BSc Environmental Science) is small with only 30 of us, but I’ve been able to take modules that allow me to interact with people from other courses which has been a great way to make new friends! Throughout my degree, I’ve gained a lot of experience both in the lab and out doing fieldwork, and I’ve even had the chance to work with some of my lecturers on their research. Because the university is part of the Russell group, all of my lecturers are actively involved in research and they are all passionate and excited to talk about what they do- I’ve been able to do so many new things (field work in Salisbury, the Lake District, and the Peak District, as well as lab work in two different labs on campus) just by reaching out to them and asking. The university also hosts several NERC funded (paid!) summer research projects that help students gain more skills in experimental research, which I was lucky enough to take part in this summer. I loved the experience, and it’s helped me grow my confidence in my research abilities as well as boost my CV. There are so many opportunities to explore your interests here if you just ask!

I’ve traveled to 17 countries in North America and Europe, and I can confidently say that Liverpool has some of the friendliest and genuine people of any place I’ve traveled. People here are always up for a chat and you’ll get to expand your mind so much because of all the different perspectives people here hold. I’m so happy I decided to come live and study in Liverpool and if I could go back to 2019 and apply to university again, I’d make the same choice.

- Laura

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Digital meeting with a Student Advisor

Book an online session with an advisor with Across the Pond to learn more about studying in the UK! 

  1. Make sure you book the meeting at least 2 days ahead of time
  2. If you want to talk over Skype, make sure your Skype is working as it should and that you have connected with your advisor before the meeting starts to avoid losing valuable meeting time 
  3. If you do not use Skype and prefer to talk over for instance Teams, just type that into the "Skype-ID" field and we´ll arrange to send you a meeting link via Teams (you do not need a Microsoft Teams user) 



Fill in the form below to register your interest, and your advisor (if you already have one) will contact you directly. If you do not have a Student Advisor we will of course make sure that you get to talk to an advisor who will contact you to confirm the time!
Which country are you from?

We noticed you chose the United States.

We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.


Your advisor will contact you directly to confirm the time as soon as you have registered your interest. Please note that we can not promise that you will receive an appointment at the desired time, but will do our best to comply with your wishes. If the advisor does not have the opportunity at the desired time, the advisor will agree directly with you to find an alternative.
Dates of the event
This is a continuous 


Skype, Teams or similar depending on what you prefer. If you want to use Skype, remember to share your Skype-ID with the advisor in the form when you sign up!

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