Study Business Management at University of London

The third year is a placement year

I study BSc Business and Management at Royal Holloway, University of London. I’m very pleased with my choice. The main building is one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever seen. I imagined spending four years of my life there and then. I’m doing a four-year course because the third year is a placement year, meaning that I apply for several course-related internships that last about 9-12 months. All in all, my degree is a BSc in Business and Management with a Year in Business, so it’s not just a regular bachelor.

The Treasure Hunt

I decided to study abroad because I wanted to get a Business degree. I couldn’t do that in Norway because I hadn’t had the right maths in high school. I chose the “easiest” out of the three maths but I needed at least the second option. I could choose to get a grade for the right maths I needed after I graduated high school but that would take at least another half a year or so. So then I decided to look at opportunities to study abroad, and the choice was between the US and the UK. I searched online and found Across the Pond.

They responded very quickly.  I was assigned an advisor who helped me through the entire application process. First I was asked what my latest grades were and the course I was interested in. Then she gave me a series of options - both types of courses and universities where it was almost guaranteed that I could get in if I managed to maintain my grades. That helped with not stressing so much. 

That same autumn, Across the Pond organised a study fair where many representatives from various universities in the UK came, many of which I’d looked at before. It was a very useful fair where I got to talk to representatives and get information about open days. So I decided to go visit RHUL the following spring.

My advisor also helped me with any questions I had after applying for a visa and applying for student finance, and with every other question I had along the way (which were many!). Across the Pond has been really helpful throughout the whole process.

Student Life

In my free time, I’ve joined one of the reading societies where we’ve read one book per term and discussed it at meetings once a week, amongst other things. There is an incredible amount of things you can do as a student in the UK. There are lots of sports you can choose to do if you’re interested in that, and other types of societies. If you like to party and nightlife there’s lots of that too. Especially clubbing is a big thing among students. The university even has its own club where there are weekly events during the term. If you like hiking and nature, there are beautiful natural areas around and foot paths and hiking trails. Or you can spend time in the library on campus. There’s something for everyone.

The Student Village

The university is located in a small town called Egham. I’ve got everything I need here - grocery stores, pharmacies and quite a few good cafées. However, it’s not a place for shopping, but then you can take the bus for 20 minutes to Staines, 40 minutes to Windsor (10 mins by car), or take the train for 40 minutes and suddenly you’re in central London. I’m very happy with Egham. It’s quiet and it doesn’t take that long to get basically anywhere. Also, it’s not far from Heathrow either, 40 minutes by bus and a 20-minute drive. 

Not a Brit (yet…)

I didn’t think it was that difficult to speak only English when I moved to the UK. What I found annoying, however, was my accent because I don’t sound British at all so I stood out a bit. People knew I wasn’t from here. I got over that thought pretty quickly though because there are lots of other international students here. I’ve also got my non-English days as I like to call them, which I think every bilingual person has. During those days every word that comes out of my mouth sounds like gibberish and the sentences make no sense. Other than that, I think it went pretty well.

A Roof Over My Head

I began studying at RHUL in the autumn and moved into one of the student accommodations on campus. I got my own room and bathroom and I shared the kitchen with five others. All first-year students are guaranteed student accommodation on campus if they apply for it. It gets a little more difficult after that because then you have to find your own place to live since it’s not guaranteed that you can stay on campus. It’s very common to rent a house in the local area together with friends you’ve met. This autumn, I’ll move into a shared flat with some of my flatmates from last year.

As stated, I’m thrilled with my choice. I thrive (literally) and I enjoy it a lot even if it is a little expensive, just a little though. Future me shall deal with the debt, that’s a future me problem.

- Helena

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Study LLB Law with International Relations in the UK

A solid foundation for a future career

I still remember starting my final year of high school with no clear idea or thoughts about what would come next. Counsellors and teachers had talked about study choices and the application process, but studying abroad was never a topic that came up. Studying abroad appealed to me, but I needed to figure out how to make it happen. The thought of being far away from friends and family was daunting and overwhelming. I also knew studying abroad was expensive compared to Norway, which caused some concern. After a year as a law student at the Royal Holloway University of London, I wish to go back in time and tell myself that there is nothing to worry about and everything will be okay.

The main reason I chose to study abroad was that I envisioned a career in international human rights law, and I believed that a law degree in England, compared to Norway, could open more doors for this path, even though it meant I probably wouldn’t end up practising law in Norway. When I got in touch with Across the Pond, I explained my career aspirations and my advisor presented various programs that could appeal to schools across the UK. That’s when I discovered LLB Law with International Relations at RHUL. I got a bachelor’s degree in law, which you need to qualify as a solicitor or barrister in England, and another degree in International Relations, which discusses war, economy, politics, and how the global society is structured from different perspectives.

Royal Holloway University of London

Royal Holloway University of London is an idyllic university in a small town southwest of London called Egham. The famous old building called Founders was established in 1879 by the Victorian philanthropist Thomas Holloway, and the school was officially opened in 1886 by Queen Victoria as an all-woman’s college to give women the opportunity for higher education. Today, you can see statues of Queen Victoria, Thomas Holloway, and his wife on campus. Founders has also been used to film several movies and series, such as Avengers, YOU, and Downtown Abbey. I enjoyed living on campus during my first year of studies and understood what this school offers. Everything from parties and nightclubs to two school libraries, restaurants/cafés, a grocery store, and a fitness centre. All of this has made life at RHUL much easier and more attractive. Not to mention RHUL gardens, the school is surrounded by beautiful nature and parks that give you a natural feel of the English countryside. Egham is a small town with enough to offer, but London is just 40 minutes away by train if you want more excitement. I appreciate living in the countryside; I prefer a peaceful and beautiful environment alongside my studies, and I’ve travelled to London several times when the mood struck. The school offers many clubs, volunteer programs, and sports, which are great ways to fill the week when you’re not studying. A friend and I became leaders of an environmental volunteer program; we organised various activities so our fellow students could sign up and support causes they care about. Extracurricular work can be gratifying to have on your CV!

Life as a Student Across the Pond 

Student life as an international student has its pros and cons. I have found an excellent social circle at school with friends from all over the world. As an international student, I gravitate towards other international students since we’re in the same boat. We relate to what it’s like to move to another country and adjust to the customs and culture of that country. Now, Norway isn’t very different from England. I didn’t experience a big culture shock compared to others I met from Singapore or Argentina, where the cultural differences are more significant. I felt that my first weeks in England went by quickly because there was so much new to adjust to; I noticed that I didn’t have time to get homesick, and it took a long time before I thought about Norway. I feel fortunate that I adapted to the English lifestyle quite quickly and noticed that apart from family, what I missed from Norway was nature, the language, and milk chocolate since the one in England is not worth mentioning. However, these were just minor issues, and as time passed, I became more comfortable and happy living in England.

Finances and Life on Campus 

One practical advantage of living in England is that groceries are cheaper than in Norway. Even though the Norwegian krone is weak, I get much more for my money than I would in Norway. The school offers all textbooks digitally, so I don’t buy books; I read on an iPad and use a computer to write texts, etc. My most significant expenses are tuition fees and accommodation, covered by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen). I lived on campus during my first year, where there were three payments throughout the school year. I had my room and bathroom and shared a kitchen with seven others. If you are interested in studying at RHUL, in that case, I recommend staying in Tuke, Williamson, Butler, Gower Wedderburn, or George Elliot, as these accommodations are the newest and give you the most value for your money. Many new students choose to live in Founders, and although it’s very picturesque since it looks like something out of Harry Potter, you have to share a bathroom. It’s also catered, so you don’t have the resources to cook your food, and the meals offered must be paid for in addition to the accommodation fee.

I loved living on campus; it’s much cheaper than living in the surrounding area, and all school facilities are within a short walking distance, but unfortunately, you’re only guaranteed a place on campus in your first year. I’ve been lucky enough to get a job in a school service department that helps new students with everything related to living on campus and well-being. Through this job, I still live on campus with my colleagues and students at the school. This job opportunity is open to all students every year; the school also offers many other jobs, which are a great way to earn extra money alongside your studies without travelling far for work. This can include working in the school’s help departments, in cafés, bars, restaurants, grocery stores, or fitness centres.

As a law student, I have lectures 5-6 times a week and seminars four times a week. Seminars are mandatory, while lectures are optional, but I recommend attending. Since you get a bigger picture of the content, and if you feel that the reading material has been complex, attending the lectures can bring clarity. I am delighted with my education; studying law is interesting, although some reading material can dry. Therefore, I appreciate my International Relations degree, which gives me a little break from the law and opens up the possibility for more creative and analytical thinking

The Application Process 

The most complicated part of moving to England is the visa and application process, but here, I got excellent help from my advisor at Across the Pond. Looking back, I wish I knew how long the application process could take when you want to study law in England. I didn’t realise until December of my last year of high school that I wanted to study abroad. So, there were many schools I was interested in applying to that I didn’t get the opportunity to apply to because they had deadlines in October. Many schools also require that you take various knowledge tests related to law in good time and then send the result as part of the application process. Had I done research in a reasonable time before, I would have had the opportunity to explore other schools and options. Compared to Norway, the schools don’t just look at your grades at the end of high school, but you also have to write an essay explaining why you want to get into this program. This is an advantage if you don’t have sufficiently high grades since a gym grade shouldn’t ruin your chances of studying, for example, medicine. I also got good guidance from Across the Pond; my advisor gave me tips on improving the essay and what I might consider dropping or including.

England has become my second home. I miss Norway and often relate to the saying, ‘There’s no place like home’, but I can honestly say that after long periods at home, I miss the life I’ve built in England. And after a year, I feel the saying can go both ways. Across the Pond was an essential resource during the application process, and I wouldn’t have been able to fulfil my dream of studying abroad without them. After I explained what I wanted, they found programs and schools that might suit me and sent my applications. They contacted the schools for me when needed and made the entire application process less complicated than it first seemed. So, if you're going to study in England, I would use Across the Pond!

I hope my experiences will be helpful to those of you considering studying Across the Pond. My first year as a student in England has been both challenging and rewarding. Despite concerns about being far from family, costs, and culture shock, I’ve found that many of these fears were unfounded. I feel that I have grown both academically and personally, made friends from all over the world, and now have a broader understanding of law and International Relations. Studying at the Royal Holloway University of London has given me a solid foundation for a future career while also providing unforgettable experiences. Without the help from Across the Pond, I might not have been able to take the step. If you’re considering studying abroad, my advice is to go for it—the challenges you face will be outweighed by the many opportunities and experiences you’ll gain.

- Serena

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Discover UK Universities

Student Accommodation in the UK

Where do you live when studying abroad? Do universities in the UK offer student housing? How much does student accommodation cost? Did you know that as an international student, you are guaranteed on-campus accommodation for the first or all your years studying at most of our UK universities? You will need to apply by the housing application deadline, and of course the best student accommodation in the UK goes first - so that is a good reason to apply early! There are several different student accommodations, price levels and facilities to choose from!

Most students choose to live on campus in their first year. This is social and a fantastic way to get to know students from all over the world! After that, most students choose to move into privately rented accommodation with their new friends. We recommend everyone to live in university accommodation in their first year, as it is a great way to get to know other students (and not just those on your degree).

Learn more about the different options, on-campus accommodation, how to arrange private accommodation and everything you need before applying for student accommodation in the UK via this webinar!

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We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.

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Discover UK Universities

Visa for European Students who want to study in the UK

Do you want to study in the UK and are wondering if you need a visa? Maybe you have applied to British universities already, or are considering applying to university in London or elsewhere in the UK, but would like to know more about the UK student visa for European students? This webinar recording is about the UK Student Visa for students who will be starting their studies at a British university and are from European countries. We cover everything regarding the CAS, the application process, cost and other practicalities worth thinking about when applying for a student visa.

Did you know that all non-UK students need a visa to study in the UK? How much does a student visa cost? Is it difficult to get a student visa if you want to study in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland? For most European students in the UK, a student visa is now a fact. 

After the UK left the EU, student visas have now become a reality for the vast majority of international students. It is therefore important to familiarise yourself with this process as early as possible, so that you are well prepared when the time comes to submit an application for a student visa. In this webinar recording, we will go through useful information about student visas, when to apply, what you need for the application, costs, and other tips and tricks that can make the process easier. This webinar is suitable for those who have already applied, those who have accepted an offer, but also those who are considering studies in the UK and want to know more about the visa process.

We have the information and tools most people need to be able to go through the visa process without the need for individual follow-up/advice beyond the general information and guide from us. Remember that Across the Pond cannot provide individual advice on your visa application, only certified immigration staff can.  In this webinar recording, you will learn about a number of important points that are good to be aware of when you familiarise yourself with the visa process.

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We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.

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Sit back and enjoy whenever and wherever you want!

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Study Drama with Acting abroad

From start to finish, my advisor was there with all the information

Study Drama and Acting in the UK

I had stumbled across an advertisement for Across the Pond while I was scrolling through Facebook. I was working a full time job, saving up to move to the UK to pursue professional actor training with one specific conservatoire in mind, and had not truly considered using, or even finding, help to make the application process easier. So the tab sat open for weeks until I filled the form in and started talking to an advisor, who was very helpful. It took me a few months to make the decision fully, but when I was ready, my advisor was there - and with a list of universities with courses that fit what I had told her. Although my first choice was not on the list of universities that Across the Pond work with, the advisor was still able to help with that application as well as the ones I had chosen off of the tailored list. The starting process of all of this and how easy it was, was what really made me make that first step that I had been putting off for a few years. From start to finish, my advisor was there with all the information I needed and constant communication - there was never a time where I waited days and wondered if they would ever respond. I am still impressed with how quickly they had pulled everything together, always making sure everything was set up by the next day at the latest.

The Uni Confirmation

Although I had not been selected for the university I had originally set my heart on, I did get accepted, and later I confirmed, to Royal Holloway, University of London. Funnily enough, this university was a last minute choice, as there was a change with the UCAS system and how applying to conservatoires and universities were divided, so I was able to choose one more university to apply for. When Lauren had told me this, I headed back to the list, scrolled through quickly, saw a course that said Drama with Film, quickly read the snapshot on the course and added it to my choices. With that done, I waited for auditions and decisions.

Once I had gotten all the decisions back on UCAS, I made my decision quickly and chose Royal Holloway. I had been accepted to other universities, some with more societies I would have liked, some that had been joint degrees, but ultimately I chose Royal Holloway due to the distance from London - a great idea for someone trying to get in to the creative industry, but not directly in London which would make finding accommodation more expensive and challenging.

The Build Up a.k.a. The Move

This was the most challenging part, truly. I confirmed my choice in March, which meant I had to do a lot of waiting. I had to wait until accommodation forms opened, before I knew what the tuition was and before I could pay it. I waited months before knowing the day I could move in - I got the email around a month and a half before the move in date. Even though the waiting was painful for me, I just wanted to pack and book flights as soon as possible, have every detail organized down to the minute.

Right after I had confirmed my choice but before the accommodation forms opened, I was looking through RHUL’s site and found the course Drama with Acting, and kicked myself for not doing a deeper dive before choosing. I emailed the department quickly, hoping that I would be able to be switched to the course that would be more beneficial to me. I did not receive a response, but when I had checked UCAS during that week I did find that my choice had been updated, and I was elated. From the time I had confirmed my choice, until the day my flight took off for Heathrow airport, I watched all the videos on YouTube I could find about this university. And all the TikToks. And the Instagram posts. And read all the Student Rooms forums. I was excited!

Now, Royal Holloway has this wonderful set-up right before term starts, and it’s for the international students. A few days before term, the international students can move in to their accommodation and attend some informative sessions on how to settle in the UK, and it’s aptly named ‘New To The UK’. The move-in date was September 14th for the New To The UK group, including a shuttle service from Heathrow to the university, and the move in dates for regular students started September 16. Although I had missed a few sessions due to the jetlag I experienced, I did meet people that I am still friends with now, almost a year on. This is a worthwhile experience and really helps those students who aren’t accustomed to the UK system.

The Accomodation

If you look at the offerings for accommodation, Royal Holloway has some great on-campus and off-campus options. I was lucky and was able to move in to Wedderburn. The building is with Gowar and is down by the sports fields, down a little hill with lovely scenery (when spring comes around, you can watch the small deer wander around from your room). The room is spacious with storage under the bed, a desk drawer, a desk cabinet, a floor to almos ceiling shelving unit, a 3 shelf unit over the desk and a huge wardrobe. There is also a giant board over half of the desk where you can pin all the important things, and a large window to shed light on the spacious desk. Wedderburn rooms have an en-suite, which is something I considered most important when listing which accommodations were my top choices. There are 8 rooms to a floor and a shared kitchen, the university also leaves a little welcome basket in the kitchen that includes a deck of playing cards, informative pamphlets and an empty cleaning rota form to help out the students.

My time in Wedderburn was great, I adored my room and I almost wish I had spent more time in it. Unlike a lot of YouTubers and TikTokers, I did not get along well with my flatmates. There was nothing wrong, we just never clicked. I do believe that they all got along well and went out together, but I never reached out once I realized they wouldn’t reach out after those first few weeks. For me, this was fine, as I had many difficult things happening during the first 2 months which made it hard to balance the friends I had from the New To The UK program, from my course and my actual coursework.

Beyond the space specifics and the flatmates, RHUL has a wonderful Hall Life team and they run a ton of events through out the year. I did not attend any of them but there was a lot of crafting, gaming and helpful sessions such as budgeting and cooking.

The Social Life

There are 2 main places on campus for partying - Medicine and the SU. Medicine is open most nights of the week with themed party nights and some good drink deals, I had gone a few times and it does get crowded on popular nights. I also know a few people that didn’t miss a single night there. The SU is the Student Union themed nights, usually on Fridays and they are the place where most of the Fresher’s Week parties are that are included in the wristband.

There are many food places and a university pub, all of these places are great hang out spots and can get really busy on the right nights.

There are also a ton of active societies and sports teams, you can easily fill your time with any events you want. I, personally, got a little overwhelmed at all of the options and the fact that a lot of them were on the same night or their taster sessions were during something else, so I did not join many societies. I found the drama and theatre based societies were fun and lively, as well as the LGBTQ+ society - which I had become Social Media Coordinator for by term 2.

The university has a lot of life, you just have to look for it and be open to doing whatever is on next.

The Difference From Home

Life in the UK is very different to life in Canada. I had thought that the main reason why I would have a hard time fitting in was because I was a mature student - barely, I was 22 when I started. Instead, I found that I was struggling with figuring out how the courses were taught. The education system before university is very different between the UK and North America, and having a lot of fellow students continually commenting on the similarity between the course material and what they had done in sixth form or college felt a bit like I was behind. The UK allows students to specialise more before university that I had been allowed in my high school experience, my school consisted of basic classes such as Biology, Chemistry, Math, Algebra, Social Studies and English, sprinkled with some extras like Computer Tech, Foods, Woodshop and the Automotive shop. I did find a few of the other international students had done the Foundation Year, so they had been at the university the year before and had already had the time to specialise and catch up a bit. Also, Royal Holloway starts term so late in September (Fresher’s is the third week in) and summer and spring term finish so early, I don’t know what to do with all the time. Having such long breaks between things is uncommon to me.

Another difference was the fact that the entire campus was cashless. Even though I had heard it in passing from the emails sent out by the university, it hadn’t sunk in until I got there. At home, I had always carried around cash, and now there isn’t much point to it because many stores and services in the UK are cashless.

The things I’m still working on are small things, like trying to figure out how to exchange my license so that I can drive in the UK (I grew up driving, going on road trips and being dependant on my own transportation, this year of transit and Ubers has cemented in how much I love having my own transportation), and how taxes work. There was a small learning curve when I found out the hard way that English Mustard is not like American Mustard, and the easiest way to get hot dogs are in a glass bottle or prepackaged. Although, it is lovely that I can get to London just by hopping on one train, or get to work in another town by bus.

The Course a.k.a. Actor Training

I study Drama with Acting. Although it is not a conservatoire, we have a list of real world industry professionals teaching us that still work in the industry. My course also allows for networking with the MA Directors through rehearsals in second year (looking forward to it!). My first year was the first year that this course has been taught at RHUL, so we are the guinea pigs in a sense. Through out this first year, we have focused a lot on devising and starting with the basics. We were able to learn more about some lecturers through a course that allowed them to come and speak about their specialism once a week, and through this we were able to gleen what we would be learning in those classes in second or third year. The summer term is a fun time, since we didn’t have exams we had a lovely summer festival. This festival included the department bringing in industry professionals for workshops, talks and networking, as well as showcases of student work. I would really suggest that students take full advantage of every opportunity you can, as a lot of learning at this university is down to the individual through workshops put on by the departments Student Workshop, the drama societies, and all the recommended readings (there are so many readings that I am still going through them). Although the first year modules are fun, I found that the workshops and opportunities I had signed up for outside of the course were what really inspired me and gave me more of the conservatoire feel that I wanted.

The Rest Of The Time

In my spare time, I love perusing the charity shops down in Egham and Staines. I love going out and walking around and finding new things. I love being able to take a day trip in to London. I love spending time in the library and catching up on reading. I love hanging around campus at either the coffee shop in the library (Cafe On The Square) or the Boilerhouse, or even Founders Field on a nice day. Most of the time though, I love sitting around at home, watching a show or two, thinking about all the other things I could be doing - like playing my guitar, doing a small craft, playing video games, reading, putting together a new YouTube video (I’m currently doing a university series) etc - and scrolling through my phone endlessly instead and probably taking a well deserved nap. The student life is a good life.

The Odds and Ends

There are quite a few things I would have liked to know before moving and starting my course. I had wanted a reading list for my course months before it started, instead, I had received one the week before. I wish I could have known that my card would stop working and I would be sorting out my banking mess for almost 2 months. I wish I had been able to get to know my flatmates before moving in, maybe we would have gotten along better. I wish I had known that this was the first year the course was being taught, going in with the knowledge that it isn’t a perfected course with years of experience, instead it’s an experiment to see what works and what doesn’t. I wish I had a refresher course in writing academic essays, like writing one, getting marked and then being able to go over and understand in depth what’s expected - since I hadn’t written an essay for 4 years, and there were different standards for it in high school. I was working a trades job before I left for university, and I felt like I had been dropped in the deep end, struggling to figure it all out. I would have loved to know the dates that I would know other things by, like when move in day was so I could book my flight in advance, if there was course stuff during Fresher’s Week, what Fresher’s Week was, when I would know what accommodation I would be in.

Although there are many things I would have liked to know before starting university, I am so very happy at how things have gone and where I have ended up. From a place that was a last minute addition, it has been great. Now, as I wait for second year to start, I can’t wait to get back to learning.

- Ewan

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Discover UK Universities

Digital meeting with a Student Advisor

Book an online session with an advisor with Across the Pond to learn more about studying in the UK! 

  1. Make sure you book the meeting at least 2 days ahead of time
  2. If you want to talk over Skype, make sure your Skype is working as it should and that you have connected with your advisor before the meeting starts to avoid losing valuable meeting time 
  3. If you do not use Skype and prefer to talk over for instance Teams, just type that into the "Skype-ID" field and we´ll arrange to send you a meeting link via Teams (you do not need a Microsoft Teams user) 



Fill in the form below to register your interest, and your advisor (if you already have one) will contact you directly. If you do not have a Student Advisor we will of course make sure that you get to talk to an advisor who will contact you to confirm the time!
Which country are you from?

We noticed you chose the United States.

We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.


Your advisor will contact you directly to confirm the time as soon as you have registered your interest. Please note that we can not promise that you will receive an appointment at the desired time, but will do our best to comply with your wishes. If the advisor does not have the opportunity at the desired time, the advisor will agree directly with you to find an alternative.
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Skype, Teams or similar depending on what you prefer. If you want to use Skype, remember to share your Skype-ID with the advisor in the form when you sign up!

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