Brunel University was my choice out of the universities I applied to because it felt more like a community than the others. From the start I was given the opportunity to engage in discussions online regarding the school, my program of choice and the UK/Europe in general. They were with me every step of the way, unlike other universities which only contacted me to confirm choice and a 'thank you' for applying.
I like the relationship the professors have with the students. I am able to approach any of my lectures with ease and have a one-to-one conversation with them if I need help. My class is fairly small making it easier to get to know my fellow students and create a bond that will continue past graduation. If you ever need anything there is always someone there to go to for help.
Accommodation is interesting. It really depends on what building you are placed in but for the most part they are nice. I have lived in an en-suite room since my first year and have become used to it. I would not choose a standard suite as I like my privacy and prefer not to share toilets/showers. All in all, not having to worry about bills and simple payment structures makes it easier than living off-campus.
I would suggest new students try new things and get out of their comfort zone. It was especially difficult for me moving across the world to a country, a continent that I've never been to. I was able to make new friends and it make the transition easier for me. Also, volunteer whenever possible! It's an easier way to find something you like to do and grow as a person.
I am the current events manager for Brunel University Law Society. My latest project has been planning and executing the Law Ball (first law ball in over 2 years). I have also been involved in the Brunel Law School Buddies program, which aims to reach out to students who are planning to enter the next phase of their lives.
I plan to become a family lawyer and continue running my family's law firm back in Canada. I would also like to start a summer placement scheme for Brunel students to have an opportunity to gain work experience overseas.
- Jamaal
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