Study Neuroscience and Mental Health

How the UK Became My Home Away from Home

Study Forensic in Scotland

After visiting the UK on a family vacation years ago, there was always something that was pulling me to come back. Once I finished undergrad, I thought doing my masters in the UK would be the best way for me to go back, but also shape my academic and personal growth. A year later, I can honestly say studying in the UK was one of the best decisions of my life and has become my home away from home.

The University of Strathclyde Reignited My Love for Learning

At the university I studied the MSc in Neuroscience and Mental Health. What drew me into the program was how the modules were focused on neuroanatomy and the biological processes/mechanisms involved in the brain. All the lectures and modules were engaging and built on one another to help us students have a more cohesive understanding of these different topics. I found myself excited to come to class and made me realize how much I love learning – especially about the brain!

The university itself is right in the heart of Glasgow – making it close to many shops and restaurants! There are also so many clubs and events on campus for students to get involved in. What amazed me the most about Strathclyde was the amount of support provided by the professors and the school itself! They listen and value students’ feedback and ensure students have someone to reach out to in case they need it. As someone who did their undergrad at a very competitive school in Canada that had little to no support for students, I genuinely appreciated the efforts Strathclyde puts towards their students’ wellbeing and overall experience.

“People Make Glasgow”

This slogan is plastered everywhere around Glasgow City Centre, and it holds true! The people in Glasgow are very friendly and are always willing to help if you’re lost or need recommendations. Moving abroad, especially on your own, can be quite scary and lonely at times. The community in Glasgow however turned what could have been an intimidating experience into an exciting adventure. I’ve made so many great friends here that I can’t imagine my life without. Their support and kindness made living abroad feel like home. 

Glasgow itself is a hub for many different restaurants, activities and easy transportation links to airports and other parts of Scotland. I would recommend taking the time to explore Glasgow and the rest of Scotland – each place is so unique, and the views are breathtaking.

The Journey Made Easier by Across the Pond   

I mean it when I say I couldn’t have made this journey without Across the Pond. From applying to schools to the visa application to the actual move, they helped guide me throughout the entire process and equipped me with many resources and knowledge which made studying abroad less daunting. I am very grateful to have found their services and hope other students looking to study in the UK do the same! 

To anyone considering moving to the UK for school, do it! There will be challenges, but the personal growth and confidence you gain from the experience makes it all worth it. Embrace the adventure, appreciate the highs and lows, and be proud of what you achieve and overcome. 😊

- Ginelle

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Discover UK Universities

Student Accommodation in the UK

Where do you live when studying abroad? Do universities in the UK offer student housing? How much does student accommodation cost? Did you know that as an international student, you are guaranteed on-campus accommodation for the first or all your years studying at most of our UK universities? You will need to apply by the housing application deadline, and of course the best student accommodation in the UK goes first - so that is a good reason to apply early! There are several different student accommodations, price levels and facilities to choose from!

Most students choose to live on campus in their first year. This is social and a fantastic way to get to know students from all over the world! After that, most students choose to move into privately rented accommodation with their new friends. We recommend everyone to live in university accommodation in their first year, as it is a great way to get to know other students (and not just those on your degree).

Learn more about the different options, on-campus accommodation, how to arrange private accommodation and everything you need before applying for student accommodation in the UK via this webinar!

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We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.

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Visa for European Students who want to study in the UK

Do you want to study in the UK and are wondering if you need a visa? Maybe you have applied to British universities already, or are considering applying to university in London or elsewhere in the UK, but would like to know more about the UK student visa for European students? This webinar recording is about the UK Student Visa for students who will be starting their studies at a British university and are from European countries. We cover everything regarding the CAS, the application process, cost and other practicalities worth thinking about when applying for a student visa.

Did you know that all non-UK students need a visa to study in the UK? How much does a student visa cost? Is it difficult to get a student visa if you want to study in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland? For most European students in the UK, a student visa is now a fact. 

After the UK left the EU, student visas have now become a reality for the vast majority of international students. It is therefore important to familiarise yourself with this process as early as possible, so that you are well prepared when the time comes to submit an application for a student visa. In this webinar recording, we will go through useful information about student visas, when to apply, what you need for the application, costs, and other tips and tricks that can make the process easier. This webinar is suitable for those who have already applied, those who have accepted an offer, but also those who are considering studies in the UK and want to know more about the visa process.

We have the information and tools most people need to be able to go through the visa process without the need for individual follow-up/advice beyond the general information and guide from us. Remember that Across the Pond cannot provide individual advice on your visa application, only certified immigration staff can.  In this webinar recording, you will learn about a number of important points that are good to be aware of when you familiarise yourself with the visa process.

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We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.

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Study Forensic in Scotland

Living in Glasgow was amazing!

Study Forensic in Scotland

Moving to Glasgow, Scotland to complete my Master’s of Science was the best decision I have ever made. I took a leap forward and decided to pursue a Master’s of Science in Forensic Science at the University of Strathclyde once I completed my B.Sc (Honours) back home in Canada. I was lucky to have Across the Pond assist me in every aspect prior to moving to the UK and I’m certain I would have been lost without their guidance.


If anyone knows me, they know that I want to know every single detail before I make a decision. I am the type of person who is ALWAYS busy with hundreds of tasks; and because of this, I want know as much detail as possible to set goals, stay on track and prepare for my week. Prior to signing my apartment contract, I spent days on Google Maps trying to figure out distances and viewing what was around my building. I had printed out maps, created notes for myself and included the approximate distance and time to reach every place. I had spent hours on end researching where I would grocery shop, pick up kitchen supplies and bedding. It wasn’t until I finally arrived to Glasgow did it finally hit me that life in Glasgow wouldn’t be as hard and busy as I imagined it to be.

On the first day I went for a casual walk and found myself at City Centre. According to my notes, it should have taken 20 minutes- but I was there in less than 10 minutes. I realized that all my analytical preparation was unnecessary and started embracing a different kind of lifestyle!

I spent the first couple of days settling into my new apartment which was a huge penthouse suite shared with 6 other post-graduate students (I got lucky in student housing!). I found settling in to be extremely easy, everything I needed was right in City Centre! I got my student card within the first couple of days of registration and started getting student discounts in almost every store (cha-ching for savings!).


Living in Glasgow was amazing! I got the true UK living experience by ALWAYS getting caught in the rain and living in a city with buildings that were hundreds of years old. University of Strathclyde, Caledonian University and City Glasgow College were all dispersed throughout Glasgow city. Due to this, there was a grocery store, Costa Café (UK Starbucks), and a Greggs (UK Tim Hortons) on every corner. Living in the city was nothing like living in Markham, ON. I always needed my car to grocery shop or go for a coffee run. In Glasgow, I walked everywhere. I did not buy a bus pass, since it wasn’t needed. I only took the bus when I went on trips and needed to get to the airport. This bus was a Glasgow Shuttle Express, took 20 min and only cost £6 (I later discovered they offered a 10-ride pass for £30!). I did however, take the train almost every other weekend when I went to discover Edinburgh. Edinburgh was my second home when I lived in Glasgow, I was there all the time discovering all the tourist attractions, catching lunch-dates with my friends and many times I did find myself spending my entire weekends there. Edinburgh was A LOT more expensive than Glasgow so in the end, choosing to live in Glasgow but being able to catch a 30 min ride to Edinburgh allowed me to experience the best of both worlds.


When I was first introduced to Across the Pond, it was at a graduate fair and I had no intention of moving away to complete my Master’s studies. I did not want to put myself through the trouble of packing up my bags and re-locating. Especially to an extremely expensive place where my savings would be halved (CDN to GBP exchange rate).

It wasn’t until I finally started speaking with an Across the Pond advisor did I slowly begin to learn more about the advantages of moving to the UK to pursue my studies. A Master’s of Science in Canada would mean two more years of education, I could not pursue my desired field of Forensic Science since it was not offered… and the cost would be relatively similar if I added up two years here vs. one year in the UK. I later discovered that the UK offers their “taught” post-graduate programs as 8 months of courses and 4 months to complete a research project. This appealed to me the most, since I would be not only doing classwork and be studying, but also have the opportunity to conduct research in the field I loved.

I decided to apply to four institutions which offered a Master’s of Science in Forensic Science. My advisor instructed me to prepare all the documentations: CV, transcripts, personal statement, passport and two reference letters. I was given a form to provide to my referees which directed them not only where to send the reference letter, but the type of information which should be included to strengthen a reference letter. Within one week of sending out my applications, I began to receive acceptance emails and letters. I completed a Skype interview with King’s College and since I was happy to meet the professors and speak to them, King’s College was one of my top two options. 

When it was time to make an acceptance and put forward a deposit, my advisor was my therapist. I was making lists, having Skype calls with him, and weighing out the pros and cons for each of the programs, and lists for each of the cities… I was slowly going crazy. I knew that in the University of Strathclyde, I would have the opportunity to specialize in the stream of my choice, I would be given hands-on practical lab experience and I had known people in Canada who did graduate from that program. But there was something about moving to London to complete a degree from an Ivy League University which I found so intriguing. I finally reached out to speak to my professor and she had given me advice that made my final decision. It does not matter if I graduate from a UK recognized Ivy League institution if I planned on returning back to Canada (Toronto is my home, and I was 100% returning!). I finally made my final decision to study at the University of Strathclyde for a lower tuition, in a city with lower living costs, and completing a degree that would give me the opportunity to have a specialization. 


Living in Glasgow was actually a little cheaper than living in Toronto, ON. My rent was about £500 per month (this included electricity, water and internet) which was equivalent to around $1000 CAD at the time. My phone plan was unlimited everything (I chose this only for the data) and cost me £12 every month! I was also able to use this plan when I travelled to certain destinations in Europe. Talk about a steal! I had signed up to the University Athletic Centre which was 90£ for the entire year which averaged to 6£ every month! I found many things in Glasgow MUCH cheaper than in Canada… including groceries. The only thing I found more expensive was eating out… A burger in a restaurant would cost about £12 which was almost $24 CAD! For this reason, I always preferred making my own food at home, especially since groceries were about the same price as in Canada. I would say that in my entire time living in Scotland, I ate out 5 times… I was obsessed with travelling so I always made sure I saved and kept track of my spending so I can take another trip!


I lived in university accommodation- the Post-Graduate building (James Goold Hall Block A). I chose to do this because I wanted to be set up with roommates which I was compatible with, and I wanted my monthly fees to include all expenses (electricity, water, and internet) so that nothing was a surprise in the end of the month. My roommates and I were all international students from all over the world, we were placed in a penthouse style floor… we needed a key to get to our floor since the elevator would open up to our apartment. We had access to the roof (which we technically weren’t allowed on for safety reasons) but once a while, set up chairs and tables to sip on our teas and coffees while enjoying the view of Glasgow. The accommodation was actually pretty nice for the price I was paying, it also included having a housekeeper come in once a week and “deep clean” our kitchen.

In my spare time I found myself out with my friends, at the gym (at least 3 times a week), and obviously travelling to different destinations to explore. I loved hiking up Arthurs’ Seat in Edinburgh, and many times would drag my friends along to complete a morning hike. I made amazing friends when I was in Scotland, they were a mix of classmates and students I met through different connections. These were the friends that would always be ready for an adventure- whether it be a weekend trip to a Scottish destination, or for a two week backpacking Euro trip. 


I was lucky enough to be one of the few MSc Forensic Science students to return back to Canada to complete my research project at the Centre of Forensic Sciences in Toronto (which was the best way to wrap up my education!). This meant I was only in the UK for eight months, but was able to travel to Rome, London (many times), Amsterdam, Berlin and Barcelona. Throughout Scotland, I would always either take a train or a bus to visit parts of the Highlands. Flying from Europe is very cheap, so as long as I booked my flights in advance I would be getting a bargain. My flight from Berlin to Barcelona actually cost £30 ($60 CAD!!). I always travelled with at least one friend, and we would stay in hostels while we explored these cities. Hostels always had lockers so you can “lock-up” before you start your day. I personally felt there was no point in wasting money on a hotel room if I was going to be out and about all day. Hostels were also a great way to meet other international students, make even more connections and a way to learn more while travelling.


For any students thinking of spending a year completing their Master’s studies at the University of Strathclyde I would tell them to prepare for the best year of your life!

Practically speaking, invest in a good pair of walking shoes, a good rain coat and a pair of rain boots. There is no point in having an umbrella (the wind will break them)… and you will most likely be the only one with an umbrella. Prepare to embrace the rain of Scotland!

Once you arrive, make sure you are always getting involved with social events, especially the International Society. It is a great way to meet other international students and they hold many trips around Scotland throughout the year.

Everything you envision for your year abroad should be taken with a grain of salt, so be ready to be adaptive! Keeping an optimistic perspective is key to making your year away the best experience of your life!

- Youstina

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Study in Scotland

Settling into university was so easy

Study Law in ScotlandMy experience with Across the Pond was wonderful! My adviser always responded to my e-mail in a quick span of time and encouraged me to what schools would be best for the experience I was looking for. She would help to look over my personal statements as well as give me any advice on how to further better my application. She was extremely helpful and honestly without her and Across the Pond the application process would have been so much harder.

My favorite aspects from working with Across the Pond is the the advisers genuinely care about the students and what kind of experience they are hoping for in University in the UK. From the application process, to how to go about applying for your visa everything was answered! The information that was given was always very useful, they sent everything you could imagine to answer your questions about going overseas for school. The Visa Application information that they sent I would have to say is the most helpful as it outline exactly what you needed for the application.

Settling into university was so easy. I came on my flight here, visa in hand ready for a new adventure. I settled in very well in to the city of Glasgow. Glasgow is different from my small town of Elora, Ontario. It is a bigger city, bus systems, and lots to do! I still have not explored the whole city (but luckily I have another year and a half to do so!). I have been around different parts of Scotland (travelling is pretty cheap here so it is easy enough to do!). 

I choose University of Strathclyde for their Dual Qualification Program so that I would come out with a degree in both English and Scots Law; making it easier for me to come back and practice in Canada. As well as pursue International Law if I so choose.

In my spare time I am apart of the Law Clinic here at Strathclyde as well as apart of the Law Society, I usually go to a cafe in my spare time and do some readings or try to find a new book to read. Sometimes I go for a run or walk to try and see new parts of Glasgow!

Best of luck to you all and I hope your experience is as wonderful as mine has been!

- Jessica

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Study at Strathclyde

Glasgow is a fabulous city

Study at Strathclyde


The process of setting into Scottish university life was fairly easy for me. I had just finished my undergraduate degree in June, so I was still in the mindset of a student. Strathclyde had a number of events planned for new students, as well as events geared toward international students, so I made sure to go to some of those events to meet people. Strathclyde also had a number of excellent facilities (fitness centre, library) that made settling into university life very simple.


Glasgow is a fabulous city. It has a more industrial vibe than most European cities, and yet it still has a number of beautiful historical sites. Coming from a large city (like Toronto), it was great to be able to walk just about anywhere. In cases where something was a little too far to walk, the single subway loop made it easy to get somewhere without getting lost… you eventually end up right back where you started! There are a number of bars and clubs in Glasgow, and many music and performing artists will make stops there on international tours, so you have the chance to attend those if you so choose. Glasgow also has its own international airport with a bus that goes direct from the city centre to the terminal, so travelling is quite simple.

Weather-wise, Glasgow fits the stereotype of the UK – rainy most days. It doesn’t get too cold (I think it hit negative temperatures less than 5 times all winter), but the rain can drench you pretty quickly if you’re not properly covered. However, when the sun does come out, it’s absolutely beautiful. Almost every restaurant will have some sort of outdoor seating so you can really appreciate the nice weather.

There are a number of shops and malls in the city centre as well, so if you’re looking for designer clothing (or a good bargain), you’ll be able to find it in Glasgow. You don’t have to go very far to find something you absolutely love in this city.


Strathclyde was pretty much a no-brainer for me. In pursuing a Master's in Science (in Forensic Science specifically), there were a few universities in the UK that offered a world-class program. After narrowing down to two choices (King’s College in London and Strathclyde University in Glasgow), I ultimately chose Strathclyde for a few reasons. First, Strathclyde appealed to me slightly more due to the difference in price – as King’s is right in London, everything would have been exponentially more expensive. Second, the style of the program. Strathclyde presented the program as a hands-on learning environment with a number of scenario-based assignments, which really peaked my interest. Being a hands-on learner, I much prefer performing my own experiments than reading about someone else’s. Finally, I spoke with a number of people in the Forensic community, who all assured me that a Strathclyde degree is highly recognized in scientific circles. Knowing that the content I would be studying appealed to me, as well as knowing that the degree would be recognized in a positive light, I chose Strathclyde.


I chose to live in private housing, however the housing I chose was only open to students (you had to be a student to rent, but it was not exclusive to one university or college). As such, it felt kind of like a university dorm, except I had way more space. I had a double bed and an ensuite washroom, and I shared a fully-equipped kitchen with 4 other people. My apartment was less than a 10 minute walk from the farthest point of the campus, so it was incredibly convenient. There was also a grocery store right across the street, so I never had to go far for anything I needed.


The main things I did with my spare time while living in Glasgow were exploring the city, attending fitness classes, and travel. Whenever I had a long break from my studies, I would go and explore somewhere new (both within the UK and beyond). I also did a lot of exploring around the city, attending farmer’s markets and events in the city centre. I also stayed active by going to the gym (a great stress reliever when you’re homesick, I should add). 


In short, yes. Lots. I travelled all over. I travelled to a number of places in Scotland (Edinburgh, Loch Ness, and The Isle of Skye, to name a few). I also spent a long weekend down in London in September, and the weather was beautiful. I also travelled to many countries in Mainland Europe, including Italy, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, and Denmark. If you want to travel, you can definitely find the time.


I would have to say, get involved. There are so many clubs and committees, as well as an amazing athletic facility! Chances are, there is something that interests you offered by Strathclyde. You’ll get to meet like-minded people from all over the world. It can be a little daunting at first, being in a new country, but if you push yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit, I guarantee you’ll become a better person for it.


My experience with Across the Pond was nothing but positive. In fact, I would call my assigned advisor an invaluable asset in my pursuit of post-graduate education in the UK. He provided me with personalized feedback on my statement of intent and made sure I had all the necessary documentation to apply. Once I had accepted an offer, he kept me up to date with scholarship information and walked me through the visa application process. I really don’t think I could have done all of it on my own, and I’m so glad Across the Pond was there to help me through it!

- Emily

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Study at University of Strathclyde

Attentive and friendly

Study at Strathclyde

Across the Pond has made an incredible difference in my entire application experience. I have studied abroad once before, that time without anything like Across the Pond, so I can honestly say that Across the Pond's efforts make the entire process significantly easier and less stressful. They helped me improve my application with constructive feedback and they offered invaluable information - clear, concise documents that summarize everything you need to know, be it about travel, health insurance, or visa applications.

Finally, and most importantly, they are incredible attentive and friendly - I always received a cheerful response within a day of sending them any questions I had. To sum up, I highly recommend the use of Across the Pond's services for anyone interested in studying in the UK - I can guarantee the process will be much easier and much more fun to navigate!

- Emilie

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Discover UK Universities

Study at the University of Strathclyde (Scotland)

This session provides an introduction to the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Strathclyde is a world-leading modern university in a vibrant city. This session discusses the possibilities of studying at Strathclyde and also shares why Glasgow is so special. Learn what Scotland may have to offer you!

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We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.

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Universities you can meet there...
University of Strathclyde

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Digital meeting with a Student Advisor

Book an online session with an advisor with Across the Pond to learn more about studying in the UK! 

  1. Make sure you book the meeting at least 2 days ahead of time
  2. If you want to talk over Skype, make sure your Skype is working as it should and that you have connected with your advisor before the meeting starts to avoid losing valuable meeting time 
  3. If you do not use Skype and prefer to talk over for instance Teams, just type that into the "Skype-ID" field and we´ll arrange to send you a meeting link via Teams (you do not need a Microsoft Teams user) 



Fill in the form below to register your interest, and your advisor (if you already have one) will contact you directly. If you do not have a Student Advisor we will of course make sure that you get to talk to an advisor who will contact you to confirm the time!
Which country are you from?

We noticed you chose the United States.

We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.


Your advisor will contact you directly to confirm the time as soon as you have registered your interest. Please note that we can not promise that you will receive an appointment at the desired time, but will do our best to comply with your wishes. If the advisor does not have the opportunity at the desired time, the advisor will agree directly with you to find an alternative.
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Skype, Teams or similar depending on what you prefer. If you want to use Skype, remember to share your Skype-ID with the advisor in the form when you sign up!

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