I found out about Across the Pond through a graduate school fair where I did my undergraduate. From the outset, they were very helpful in helping me identify suitable programs based on my interests as well as finding relevant scholarship options. It was also immensely helpful to have someone give me advice on both my statement of intent and how to go about the visa process. It was very reassuring to know that I had someone I could ask for help if I was confused or unsure.
I am now doing my MA in Global Development and Education and have received a full international fees tuition scholarship from the university. I am really enjoying the course as well as the city of Leeds. I have started volunteering with a local development education center and have joined the Oxfam society. I have also had the opportunity to travel to York and will be heading to Edinburgh in a few weeks.
I really recommend that North American students coming to Leeds take advantage of this great service, as it can make applying to universities across the pond feel less daunting and overwhelming. They really are very supportive.
- Stacey
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