Study Public Health abroad

I was amazed by the quality of education here

Study Public Health in the UK

The process to study in England

My process to study in England started more than two years ago, but everything took a long time, and my motivation was getting lost with time. I had the opportunity to come and study English in England and I was amazed by the quality of education here, and how important it is for universities to look after the well-being of the student. Therefore, because of the quality of the education, the support I received in the application and my previous knowledge of the language, I decided to study at the University of Sheffield.

Studying at the University of Sheffield

At the moment I am in the city of Sheffield doing my Masters in Public Health and I am very happy to have made it this far. I did my medical degree in Colombia, the classes in the UK differ from Colombia, but it has only taken me a few days to adapt. In the beginning, it was a bit hard to communicate because of the accent from the north of England, but everything passes with the days when your ear learns to adapt to the new language and accent. It's all a matter of a little effort and keeping the goal in mind. As for the university, I have been pleasantly surprised with the friendliness of all the teachers and fellow students, the amount of sporting and social activities we have (there are almost 200 societies you can get involved in), and most importantly, the academic and personal support you receive from the university. All this has made my adaptation to my new country and city easier.

Activities in my free time

In my spare time, I've done archery with the university team, travelled to cities such as Cambridge, Liverpool, Manchester, York and the Peak District (a mountain range very close to Sheffield, where there are lots of walks to do), and been involved in various social activities such as yoga, Zumba and contemporary dance. There is always an activity available to do. I also joined the Latin American Society, where I was able to make my first friends and they continue to be an important part of my life as they feel so close to home.


As for accommodation, I decided on private accommodation very close to the university, it is a studio with a private kitchen and bathroom, which is perfect for someone who prefers privacy. It is student accommodation, so there are also social activities, study areas, games and TV areas where you can meet your neighbours or hang out with your friends.

- Maria

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We would love to be able to help all students in all circumstances but unfortunately US federal rules prohibit third party involvement for candidates anticipating making use of federal funding.

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