Study International Management abroad

I really just wanted to travel and move abroad

Study International Management in the UK

I studied abroad in my undergrad and have always loved Europe. I love how easy and cheap it is to travel. I really just wanted to travel and move abroad. I decided to apply to universities all over the world. I loved that the UK had a 2-year post-grad work visa, so after my master's I was able to get a job and stay. I was studying International Management and what better way to prove that I can live and work internationally.

Loughborough University is a very well know school and one of the top 5 in the UK. I loved that they had a campus in London with the backing of a big university in the Midlands. I also was attracted to the University only being for masters and Ph.D. students which meant everyone was serious and it was a great way to network.

I lived in Stratford Unite and it was a great way to meet people from my university and others as it was a student accommodation. I would not recommend someone living there. Most people were 18-20 and extremely immature. The staff was pretty horrible as well. I would say finding your own flat near your university is the best way to live. I ended up getting out of my lease early and moving in with a friend I met on campus.

Grades are harder. No one gets an A, but I do feel that the education was more realistic with a lot of working with different /real-life companies. It was definitely rigorous.

I studied International Management and made great friends and connections. I loved the Collaborative Project and Collaborative Dissertation where we got to work with real companies on real-life issues. I got to work with an international company from the UK market called Snack Media and additionally got to work with a large US company in IBM.

London is the best! I absolutely love it and still live here. I love the amazing food, diversity of culture, how easy it is to travel with 5 different airports, and the work opportunity.

I joined a run club, I worked part-time throughout my masters at Stint, and I got involved on my university campus as well. There is something for everyone here.

Across the Pond was extremely helpful throughout the application process. They helped guide me through the visa application and essays to apply to each school. Helping us understand what programs schools had, what steps were needed, and where to apply. They helped me know what these schools would be looking for in my essay and resume to be a strong candidate.

- Mycayla

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