Study Global Literature and Culture abroad

I love interdisciplinarity!

My journey began in Mexico City, at a Euro-postgraduate fair with my friends from University. We were going through an after-degree identity crisis. I felt even more lost because I was passionate about many disciplines, but they were all very dispersed. I studied Hispanic Literatures at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and I thought I could continue my studies at a Spanish university and decide if I wanted to study culture, history or literature. I saw the Across the Pond booth and filled out a form. Shortly after I received an email from my advisor, and from there we started talking about all the different master's degrees in the United Kingdom. After many more emails and a year of preparation I began my master's in Global Culture and Literature at the University of York. At the time I didn't really know why I chose this program beyond "how interesting!", but now I better understand why it was such an important part of my path, eight years later and just about to finish my PhD at the University of Nottingham: I love interdisciplinarity!

The educational experience was very different from what I knew. They are have short terms, with few subjects and few hours, and the workload compensates for that free time. I think the hard part about this, for me, was that I had to learn better self-management, and being alone in a new place! But it was worth it, and adjusting to university and social life was easier. I was surprised by the number of activities and events for all tastes. I even went to a “Retired Dog Petting Day.” Little by little I started making a family among the international roommates that I randomly had with the student accommodation, my classmates from the master's degree, and the community of Mexicans that Across the Pond helps you form from the moment you arrive.

I think the only thing I wish I'd known before moving (and didn't care to research) is that there really isn't much sun. I knew, from the movies, that it is a rainy and cold country, but I also knew that it rains more in Mexico City than in London, so it didn't seem so serious to me. What I didn't know is that during the winter it gets dark from 4:00 pm. And when it's daytime, weeks can go by without seeing the sun or the blue sky. But I also didn't know that Mexico had taught me to love the United Kingdom, and that the United Kingdom would teach me to love Mexico more.

- Alicia

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