Study Environmental Pollution and Remediation abroad

I got to meet people from all over the world

I came to Scotland with my daughter to Study a MSc in Environmental Pollution and Remediation in the University of Aberdeen. I wanted something related to the environment, and this program, apart from being the only one in Scotland, gave certain flexibility that allowed me to take care of my daughter. In the program, most of us were international students, and I got to meet people from all over the world. Two of my best friends are international students I met here.

The University offers a lot of opportunities, but it´s important to contact the right people and ask. Always ask. Career support is a great help, and there are lots of free seminars that you can take to help you in your professional life.

Things and timings work somewhat differently here than in Chile. Life has another rhythm and things are done in a different way. Appointments, applications, booking tickets and even social activities are arranged online or post. Most shops and stores close early, but you can buy almost anything online. About the city, I love the fact that Aberdeen is right next to the sea. There is always a fresh (or cold) wind from the sea, and it’s very open. I rented a small flat near the university, and from my bedroom window I just catch a glimpse of the Northern Sea. 

It has been a unique experience, and although it has been hard at times, I think it has been a way to open doors to a better future.

- Pia

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