Hello everyone! My name is Francisco — but you can call me Pancho :). I am currently a PhD student at Cardiff University. This university was my first choice due to its excellent reputation as a member of the prestigious Russell Group. Additionally, Cardiff City is the perfect place to live if you're looking for friendly people, a reasonable cost of living, and stunning walks with a wonderful view from the bay to the sea. And of course, let's not forget about the good weather.
In the context of my research, my entire time at Cardiff University has been worthwhile. This is because I have experienced a significant improvement in my scientific writing skills, and I have even identified a research area to which I plan to dedicate my career from now on. Besides that, my professional network is now full of individuals with similar interests to mine, and the best part is that you have the opportunity to collaborate with researchers from all around the world.
A typical week at Cardiff University as a PhD student usually begins with a meeting with your supervisor on Monday. After discussing previous progress, you can proceed with your tasks, which include drafting academic papers, conducting experiments with robots, and discussing with your colleagues. Moreover, there are lots of opportunities to work part-time for other researchers who require your skills. This not only enhances your CV but also provides you with more experience in your field. During my PhD studies at Cardiff University, I appreciated the flexibility in how I could conduct my research. This is of great importance because it allows you to develop your talents while benefiting from valuable feedback.
Regarding accommodation, there are several options that align with your needs. In my case, I lived in a building close to the city centre, which was a studio with a private bathroom, kitchen appliances, and even a desk where I could study and attend my meetings during the pandemic. In town, you can find a variety of restaurants that go from Chinese to Mexican. To the best of my knowledge, there are always vegan food options included on the menus. Cardiff is a friendly city characterised by implementing lanes exclusively designated for bikes. Additionally, several areas are restricted to a speed limit of 20 mph, which makes Cardiff's roads pedestrian and cyclist-safe zones.
Before I finish, I would like to offer you some advice: always carry an umbrella with you!! as the weather in the UK can be unpredictable. Be prepared for sudden rain coming from nowhere, even when the sky has that characteristic beautiful blue on sunny days.
Overall, coming to the UK has been a wonderful experience that has contributed to both my personal and professional growth. Being part of a multicultural and inclusive environment in the UK is something that will remain attached to my memories for the rest of my life. I encourage anyone interested in studying in the UK to seize the opportunity to turn their dreams into reality.
- Francisco
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