Hey, what’s up! My name is Julio from Mexico. I did my MA in Finance and Investment at the University of Aberdeen. Choosing among prices, quality, times, challenges, levels, etc. was really a challenge but in the end, I live a wonderful time been a student in the UK.
Since the beginning at looking for advice, getting ready all my international documentation, looking for funds to pay, planning where I should gonna live, and how would I gonna deal with the language if it would be that hard to live alone or if could I be enough to meet new people was all an adventure with so many hard but such a great times that taught me how to be a better person in so many personal and professional profile.
The main point of this adventure was learning from a whole different culture which lids a huge part of the world. Since I started with the English language, I could see how step by step it flowed out, enhancing my knowledge with a different perspective of how I learned Finance in Mexico. Developing my skill of communications help me a lot to get my targets and go above what I was looking for as just learning. Now I get more contacts, experiences, and a more international point of view on how to trade different situations.
I remember how a daily day at the University started with classes with lectures already red and with questions done to enhance our professional profile and talk deeply about the topics and their issues. On the other hand, my personal life gave me the chance to go to so many places by scheduling, budgeting, and enjoying such easy but great moments with others around me.
Developing yourself is a must that brings this opportunity to go further as a person and as a professional. And it is always good to hear from others, so you can do your own criteria to do the best decisions among topics and link them to do them better.
Finally, each decision makes who you so give to yourself a chance to go far and accomplish your goals; catch your dreams, and carry people around you to do an impact on what you wish to do.
- Julio
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