Do an MBA abroad in the UK - study for your MBA in England

The UK changed my way of seeing life

My name is Angela, proudly a Mexican architect and a candidate to graduate with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Sussex. I would like to thank Across the Pond for supporting me in making my professional goals a reality. Above all, I would like to acknowledge the professionalism and unwavering perseverance of my advisors, who always supported me and with whom, throughout the year-long process, I formed a strong professional team and what I consider to be a sincere friendship.

When I was 6 years old, I played at "building houses and selling them to my dolls", they paid me with candy. I graduated as an Architect, specializing in Project Management. I collaborated with world-renowned firms and for a long time that kept me satisfied. Over the past few years, for the first time I felt stagnant, as if "there was nowhere to grow". I understood that I no longer wanted my career to depend on the corporate world, that my economic stability was decided by a monthly paycheck and that my pride hung on the title on a business card. My office and I had a toxic relationship of dependency, like that of boyfriend and girlfriend who "don't like each other anymore but won't break up". I must confess that in the past I had not studied abroad for fear of not being "good enough". In a panic, at the age of 35, I realized that I could no longer deny it, I was not happy. I felt that my time and creativity were being used by someone else, and now I wanted it back. Not only that, I wanted to fund my own Company.

The obstacle? I had no business knowledge. The solution? Get an MBA. And the adventure began.

Why the UK?

I attended several virtual international graduate fairs and talked to several universities. After long research, I decided that my priority would be to graduate from my master's degree in the shortest time possible to go back and start my company. My best option was the UK for several reasons: the MBA lasts 1 year, thanks to my professional experience I did not need to take a GMAT or GRE exam, and there is a great offer of business schools and financial support, not to mention that the visa allows me to work for 2 more years in the UK after my studies and English is easier for me (be careful, UK English is very different).

How did I find Across the Pond?

During my search, I came across several organizations dedicated to helping students get into universities. However, Across the Pond was the only platform that offered me this help for free, which I am enormously grateful for because I was able to invest my capital completely in the expenses for my studies. One email was enough to get to know my advisors and get down to work, the start was very simple. 

Why the University of Sussex?

I received acceptance letters from several universities and to choose my top 3 I was guided by the business school rankings. However, as a Latin American, there were other factors that influenced my decision: the way of life and having sun during the summer. I chose Sussex because of its large community of foreign students; my colleagues recommended it to me, and I have the privilege of living in Brighton on the seafront with lots of sun.

Overcoming bumps is the most valuable part of my journey.

Honestly choosing a university is the first step of a long road that requires dedication. I went through the process 3 times (which I don't recommend because it's a risk). The first time I restarted it because I changed universities (it took too long to receive the acceptance letter from Sussex, so I put in the papers with the University of Aberdeen). And the second because, in an encounter with crime, my official documents were stolen. This is very important for me to mention; what I valued the most about my Across the Pond advisors was that they were comprehensive towards me. Despite the obstacles and pressure, they encouraged me to keep going with my goal and, they always found some way to help, whether it was with an email to the university or a message of encouragement. And I can only pay for that by enjoying my master's degree and sending good news to Mexico.

The result.

The University of Sussex was my first choice, and I don't regret pursuing it despite the waiting time. I live in Kings Road (a building that is located next to Brighton Pier), the demand is high, and I also don't regret pushing the university so hard to place me in this building, the view from the dining hall is worth it. I got 100% of the funding I required, I had not contemplated winning any scholarships and in the end, I was awarded three (my tuition was reduced to 50%). Looking back at the past with so many obstacles and seeing myself here now gives me immense emotion.

A Mexican eating fish and chips.

Everything has exceeded my expectations so far. Every experience is different, for me it was a bit traumatic to see my family at the airport for the last time. But I had my mind set on the goal. 

After reading several testimonials, I would not want to repeat the same advice or the same information. What I recommend is that you contact someone from your university and talk to them. I, for example, started looking for YouTube videos and found a huge number of students giving recommendations. In addition, my advisors put me in contact with Mexican women who are also studying at Sussex. These Mexicans are now my best friends.

I am going to mention some important points that I wish I had known before, and I think they can help you:

University of Sussex.

I arrived in January, as soon as I landed, I was added to the Mexican Student Association groups. Even a Mexican student picked me up at the airport and brought me to Brighton.

MBA students are very privileged, we have a lounge exclusively for our use. During face-to-face classes, breakfast and lunch are paid for by the university, as well as coffee and snacks for the 8 hours of class. Generations are not big so if you are an MBA, you will surely identify yourself.

Recommendation: Contact Mexicans who are already in Sussex, it is very good to arrive already having friends, they even brought me pillows and things for my first week in the UK. I also recommend that you visit the campus before you start classes so that you can familiarize yourself with it. 

Educational System.

The study system is very different from Mexico. In the UK everything is independent study, each module has 2 or 4 classes. Then everything is on your own, there is no homework, you are immediately evaluated. Some of our teachers are public figures and their classes are taught with their own books (yes, they are the authors of the course books) it is your responsibility to read and arrive prepared to class.

In order to generate networking, the MBA takes a generation trip. This year we visited Italy, invited by Louis Vuitton, DeLonghi and Nason Moretti, and spoke with the directors of these companies.

Recommendation: Review the syllabus before each module, having this kind of contacts is a unique opportunity, take advantage of it.


I was told that this city is the "Acapulco of England”, and it is real. Seniors come to retire, families come to vacation, tourists come for a day trip and brides and grooms come to get married, in short, it's never quiet here (very similar to Mexico City).

Recommendation: Don't bring a lot of clothes, you can find everything in bazaars. Pack medicines (even to get Omeprazole you need a prescription). Bring a SAD lamp and vitamin D (in winter it gets dark at 3pm). The weather is extreme, especially the wind (it literally knocked me to the ground). If you can find a steel stormproof umbrella, bring it, otherwise give up like everyone else and use a raincoat. If you like silence I recommend you go to Scotland or somewhere far away with few inhabitants, Brighton is always partying. And most importantly, pack Mexican sweets and salsas.


A colleague told me that coming to study in Sussex is like studying the language again and it is true. British English is very different, besides 90% of the students are international, all with different accents.

Recommendation: Passing the IELTS is not enough, try to read terms from your area of study (in my case I studied business, marketing and finance terms). Be patient, your ear will get used to the accents.

In the end.

Being away from my country, my family and especially my food is very difficult. But still, I wouldn't go back tomorrow even if they gave me a free flight ticket. I would rather have the worst of my days in Brighton than the best of my days stuck in an office where I didn't feel fulfilled. Nothing will be worse than feeling stagnant, I know that I am forging a better future for myself and my country. I am still studying, and I am about to start writing my thesis, it has not been easy to study business in English, but with dedication, I am getting very good grades.

I want to say goodbye by revealing a personal secret: This master's degree is not important to me because of the knowledge I am gaining. Let's be honest, nowadays everything is on the Internet, artificial intelligence can do the work of a professor. Of course, there are many students who come here with an academic objective, however, in my case, the MBA has gone beyond what I had expected. As soon as I got off the plane, I felt a sense of peace that I didn't understand, and today I know why I felt that way: I was finally doing what I want. This experience has challenged my fears, shaken my insecurities and above all tested my endurance by taking me out of my comfort zone. I am fortunate to be proving to myself every day that I can be more. Being a woman in the construction industry was complicated in the past, today I believe that my gender is anything but weak. Today I know that being a woman is amazing, and being Mexican is powerful, but a Mexican woman who leaves everything to "cross the pond" is invincible. Thank you Mexico and Across the Pond, but most of all I thank myself for having the courage to buy a ticket to the UK.

Last recommendation:

Don't let your fears stop you from growing. See you next year with a degree in hand!

- Angela

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