Study Illustration in Edinburgh

Why I wanted to study in the UK

I mainly wanted to study in the UK to explore somewhere new and different from what I was used to. I love Norway, but I wanted to see what else was out there and meet new people. I have also always enjoyed speaking English and feel at ease speaking it with other people, so I thought going somewhere where English was the main spoken language would be a benefit. The University of Edinburgh is also a prestigious school with international contacts and an impressive reputation, which meant I could graduate with a degree from a respected place of education. 

How I find the University of Edinburgh

The Edinburgh College of Art (which is where I have all of my classes) is a lovely, inclusive campus with hundreds of opportunities to learn printmaking, woodcutting, sewing, photography, and many other crafts for the entire duration of your studies. I have learnt so many skills and explored the many rooms in the Main Campus, always greeted by a friendly technician or tutor as I went along. This has been invaluable to me, and to my fellow students. As well as having flexible learning and open briefs (meaning more control to choose what you want to do within your course) the tutors encourage us to explore and push the boundaries of what we thought we could make. I love this aspect of my course and I wouldn’t want it any other way. 

Living in Edinburgh and what I like about it

Having spent 3 years in Edinburgh now, I can safely say it is one of the most welcoming, safe, and lively cities I have ever been in. When I first moved, I was worried about feeling lonely or unsafe, however this city takes you in with open arms and is always bustling with people. I met some of my closest friends in my first week at Uni, and I am still very close with them to this day. People come from all over the world to study here, which makes Edinburgh an interesting melting pot of all nationalities and genders. I love the people here, and I am so glad I ended up here in Edinburgh. 

Tips I would have wanted to hear before moving abroad

The first few days may feel overwhelming or scary, it does get a lot better once you settle in. Go to any events organised by your accommodation or the university, this is where I met all or most of my friends. Don’t hesitate to call friends or family from back home, this does help and can make the transition period so much easier. Everyone feels nervous on the first few days of school, and I certainly felt like an impostor, this will pass, and you are where you are for a reason!

Application process and Across the Pond experience

Across the Pond made navigating the application, visa and moving parts of studying abroad so much easier to handle. Having an advisor who knew the system and could answer any questions quickly via e-mail helped greatly when things were complicated or stressful. I would have had a harder time figuring everything out without Across the Pond. 

- Olivia

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